Friday, March 16, 2012

Just Another Day At The Office, Eh!

Hi Everyone,

Niece has been doing lots of work, and I've been by her side helping out.  I'm a great assistant, eh!   Check it out:

Here I am performing my IT duties and checking
the modem.  Seems to be in order, eh.

Here I am performing my security duties.  I'm
keeping an eye out and making sure this office is safe, eh!

Here I am in the corporate meeting.
I'm pretty sure that I'm going to be promoted
soon, eh!

Time for my union break, eh!
Seems to be a lovely day.

Time to finish these documents.  However, I don't answer
phones, eh!  And there's a possibility I only type 0 words per minute.

Time for some critical thinking, eh.  We can solve
anything through sunpuddle power.

Yes, snoozers are allowed in this office, eh!

Just want to make sure I say good evening to everyone as they
leave the office.... ok, ok, so we're not really in an office and I'm rolling
around in the living room waiting for salmon.  Sue me, eh!!

Yup, I'm so happy I don't have a job.  Being a cat is pawsome, eh!  Humans work way too hard.  All those silly computers and phones.  Good thing I'm so handsome - I get by on my good looks, eh!

Pawsitively yours,

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